
Working in the UK

Working in the UK.


Fisioterapeutas / Physiotherapists

Há vagas em vários locais do Reino Unido
We have job offers across the UK
Send us your CV to jobs@fishconsultores.pt


Medidas de Emprego / Financiamentos

Medidas de Emprego / Financiamentos


Send us your spontaneous application

Recruitment and Selection

FISH Consultants provides Human Resources Consulting and Recruitment services since 1993. We operate mainly in the fields of engineering, IT and Health.

Fundamental stages of recruitment:

• Understand customer needs and the requirements of the application
• Set the candidate’s profile
• Recruit and select / attract the right candidates
• Negotiation and placement of candidates
• Contract Guarantee

The right person research for each specific need is made by the use of our database, constantly updated, either by spontaneous applications or by active market demand, always being sustained in the personal and direct knowledge of each candidate.

Medidas de Financiamento
Working in the UK
Fish ConsultoresFISH Consultants is a provider of recruitment services and human resources consultancy, since 1993 in the areas of Health, Engineering and IT.
Our guiding principle is establishing a compromise between the company’s management, its employees and its customers: FISH Consultants is a company dedicated to supporting organizations regarding the challenges of organizational development, human resources and employment.

We are seriously committed in providing services that contribute to the improvement of organizations.

As multidisciplinary and multipurpose team, FISH Consultants has been able to win markets and responding to requests, whether they’re demanding or diverse, mobilizing and managing resources and expertise in order to meet the needs and projects of our clients.

Contact us!